Restorative Cleaning
Regular maintenance cleaning with Hydro-Force Professional products will prevent the need for restorative cleaning in most cases. Some restorative cleaning will reveal other problems that can be solved, but will involve the use of a Leather Filler and Color Line Pigment. Typical cleaning problems that need restorative cleaning include dye transfer from clothes, and the collection of body oils.
- Identify leather type and potential soil problems. Examine the level of soil by comparing top of seat cushion to side of seat cushion. This will give you a good idea of the degree of soil on the leather. Light colored leathers show more soil, especially dye transfer.
- Pre-test all chemicals in an inconspicuous area for color stability, especially Super Remover.
- Vacuum crevices and decking of furniture
- Clean with Leather Cleaner. #0000 Steel Wool can be used carefully for additional agitation on protected leathers.
- Use Super Remover with light agitation on dye transfers, ink and other soils that are not related. Rinse with Leather Cleaner after use.
- Use Soft Remover with light agitation for areas exposed to oil. Rinse with Leather Cleaner after use.
- For areas with severe oil residue, use Leather Degreaser. Inform your customer that pigment damage may have already occured, as the oil softens the inish, allowing the pigment to peel off. Rinse with Leather Cleaner after use.
- After leather is clean & dry, apply Leather Protector. The use of a heated air mover can speed up drying.
- For leather exposed to sun or dry climates, apply Leather Revitalizer and allow to dry overnight.
Helpful Hint –
- If you can mix pigments to match the surface of the leather being cleaned, then you can cover over any spot or stain on the surface of the leather.
- A thorough cleaning of protected leather can reveal cracks in the finish, or peeling of pigment that was hidden by soil. This type of damage is seen more on light colored leather.
- Leather Kit
Download PDF - Leather Cleaner
- Leather Protector
- Leather Revitalizer
- Soft Remover
- Leather Degreaser
- Super Remover
- Blower/Hair Dryer