Q&A with Michael Roden: Truckmount or Portable?
From Legend Brands Tech Tips and News
Gasoline prices continue to be high. Does it still make sense for a carpet cleaner to own a truckmount instead of a portable?
Portables have their place in the cleaner’s tool kit, but there are many advantages to truckmounts. Here’s a few:
- Truckmounts give you a cleaner indoor environment. All the spent chemicals, contaminants and contaminated air produced by the cleaning process is drawn out of the house. Portables do capture liquid extracted from the carpet, but not the air. They recirculate the air inside the structure.
- Superior heat production. Some of our truckmounts can produce levels of heat at 230°F to 240°F or greater. This level of heat can make stain removal easier. And at those temperatures, you can actually reset the fibers of in a good-quality carpet, restoring the loft and appearance.
- A truckmount’s powerful vacuum significantly decreases drying times. Not only are vacuum pumps much more powerful than portables, they use positive displacement blowers that pull air steadily even if the airflow is restricted. This means they maintain a deep vacuum at all times. The centrifugal vacuum pumps used in portables don’t work the same way. They just freewheel when airflow is restricted so can’t produce deep vacuum.
- Better-equipped truckmount operators often use water softening in their fresh water supply system. Softened water is only available to the portable operator if the facility being cleaned has it available. Soft water cleans much better, requires less cleaning solution to achieve good cleaning, and leaves the carpet feeling softer.
- A truckmount’s vacuum, water pressure and heat make you more productive. You can accomplish a lot more work with a truckmount in the same amount of time – and that means you’re earning more.
Michael Roden is VP of Engineering at Legend Brands.